Ex-Wife Of AEROSMITH Singer To Get Hitched
August 28, 2002The following article appears in today's edition of the New York Post:
The ailing ex-wife of AEROSMITH singer Steven Tyler is getting married today in a private bedside ceremony at the Gramercy Park Hotel. Cyrinda Fox, mother of plus-size model Mia Tyler, exchanges vows with musician Keith Waa in the same hospice-like hotel room where she has battled terminal brain cancer for the past year. "She's very sick, and we wanted to do it before it was too late," says Waa, who added that Steven Tyler has paid all of Cyrinda's medical expenses. "Steven has been very generous and good to us," Waa said. "He's our angel from above. He's totally paid for me to be here with and care for my dear Cyrinda. I feed her and clean her and hug her and kiss her and let her know she's loved." Officiating will be Cyrinda's "meditation counselor" Kathy Freston, wife of MTV president Tom Freston. "Kathy is a spiritual healer," says Waa. "She has led sessions where all of Kathy's friends come and give Cyrinda love." Guests will include Mia Tyler, actress Patti D'Arbanville, rock photog Bob Gruen, Warhol star Jane Holzer and publicist Liz Derringer.