FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH To Release 'The Bleeding' Single In U.K.

March 11, 2009

Los Angeles metallers FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH will release their first U.K. single, "The Bleeding", on April 6. Taken from the band’s debut outing, "The Way Of The Fist", released in Europe in January, this track — dubbed a "concert anthem" in the U.S. – played a significant part in taking domestic sales of the aforementioned album up to the 300,000 mark and beyond, holding a Top 10 position at rock radio.

For its U.K. release, "The Bleeding" will be available on red vinyl 7", CD single and download; all formats will feature bonus content, including a FAITH NO MORE cover ("From Out Of Nowhere"),an acoustic version of the lead track plus a filmed interview with FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH guitarist Zoltan Bathory.

As previously reported, "The Bleeding" will be featured in forthcoming movie "Highgate Vampire", directed by Asa Bailey.

"Highgate Vampire" tells the story of four American teenagers — Cathy, Amy, Salem and Alex — who all meet on the Internet, and decide to get together for a weekend of fun in London's gothic Camden town. As they take a guided tour around one of London's Victorian cemeteries, they hide among the ancient graves and are locked in for the night. Darkness falls, and mysterious things start to happen as the spirit of the Highgate Vampire takes over. Being a vampire has its challenges, and through the film we watch the characters battle with good and evil, love and hate, and with what it means to have been granted the ultimate power to kill.

Bailey has produced a brand new version of the music video for FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's "The Bleeding", including footage from the film. Watch the clip below. The bandmembers may also shoot a cameo for "Highgate Vampire" when they return to Europe in the summer for further live work.

FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH in January confirmed the departure of guitarist Darrell Roberts, as first rumored at the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) convention in Anaheim, California. The band issued a statement saying, "Every band has its growing pains, and after 18 months in the trenches, relentless touring and living together, we all came to a conclusion that a change had to be made." The statement said that the decision for Roberts to leave was "mutual," adding, "It was a swift and smooth transition and we all remain good friends. All cliches aside we really wish him the best on his musical endeavors."

Roberts's replacement is Jason Hook, most recently seen playing with ALICE COOPER. Lead guitarist Zoltan Bathory said about the new guitarist, "He's an unbelievable player, and a good friend of all of us, so we hope our fans will welcome him in the DEATH PUNCH crew."

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