Former ANTHRAX Guitarist DAN SPITZ Undergoes Open-Heart Surgery

June 6, 2009

Former ANTHRAX guitarist Dan Spitz underwent open-heart surgery on Friday, June 5 after it was discovered that the main artery to his heart was almost "completely closed." Dan, who says that he nearly died, has already been released from the hospital and is currently resting. "[I had a] scary few days," he says. "Thanks again for all of the prayers."

Spitz has reportedly been collaborating with ACCEPT bassist Peter Baltes on a new album which is expected to see the light of day soon. Matt Thompson from KING DIAMOND did some drum overdubs on the CD and will be the touring drummer for the project, which features Spitz on guitar and lead vocals. "I worked so hard at perfecting my voice for this music," Spitz stated last year. "Who better to relay the message set forth within me than me? I actually really like singing and can't wait to hit the stages doing so."

Spitz took took part in the reunion of ANTHRAX's classic lineup in 2005 and 2006 but eventually left the band in order to concentrate on his other career as a "master watchmaker."

In a January 2007 interview with Eddie Trunk of the "Friday Night Rocks" radio show on New York's Q104.3 FM, ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian stated about Spitz, "Whether people are aware or not, Danny's, like, a big deal in the really, really fancy, expensive watch world — like crazy, super-high-end watches — and he's got his own line of watches coming out. It's weird, because before the reunion I would read this stuff online, and I would just kind of be like, 'What the hell…?' But then like after hanging out with the guy for 20 months and you actually talk to him and see the watches and what-not, I was like, 'Holy crap!' It's a pretty big deal."

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