Former DEATH Guitarist RICK ROZZ Auctioning Guitar For 'Chuck Schuldiner Fund'

May 12, 2012

Guitarist Frederick "Rick Rozz" DeLillo (MASSACRE, DEATH, MANTAS) is auctioning off one of his prized BC Rich guitars. He'll have as many ex-DEATH members sign it as possible at the "Death To All Tour 2012" stop in Orlando, Florida. Proceeds will go to "the Chuck Schuldiner fund," which is an account specifically for the small but significant remaining medical bills from the debt existing at the time of Chuck's passing. Fans who themselves wish to donate to this can do so directly via attorney Charles Wohlust at 241 North Maitland Avenue, Suite 346, Maitland, Florida, 32751, USA (marked to the Chuck Schuldiner fund).

A number of acclaimed metal musicians will make special guest appearances during the "Death To All Tour 2012" in June/July in benefit of Sweet Relief. This five-city trek, which will feature a majority of DEATH's amazing musicians, will celebrate the life and music of Chuck Schuldiner, as well as to raise awareness of Sweet Relief Musicians Fund — a charity that provides financial assistance to career musicians faced with illness, disability or age-related problems.

Chuck died on December 13, 2001 after a battle with pontine glioma, a rare type of brain tumor.

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