Former EXODUS Singer Discusses HATRIOT Project On 'Heavy Metal Mayhem' Radio Show (Audio)

March 13, 2011

San Francisco Bay Area vocalist Steve "Zetro" Souza (HATRIOT, TENET, DUBLIN DEATH PATROL, EXODUS, LEGACY) and bassist Pat Burns of reunited New Jersey thrashers DEATHRASH were interviewed on the March 6, 2011 edition of the "Heavy Metal Mayhem" radio show with Mike "The Big Cheese". You can now listen to the program using the audio player below.

"The Fear Within", a brand new song from HATRIOT, is available for streaming at

HATRIOT has completed work on a four-song demo and is currently seeking a record deal. The band's artwork and logo were created by Mark Devito, while Jim Willard did the photos.

HATRIOT's demo contains the following tracks:

* Weapons And Class Destruction
* The Fear Within
* The Mechanics Of Annihilation
* Globicidle

"Weapons Of Class Destruction" is available for streaming using the audio player below.


Steve "Zetro" Souza - Vocals
Andrew Gage - Guitar
Kosta Varvatakis - Guitar
Cody Souza (Zetro's son) - Bass
Alex Bent - Drums

HATRIOT is planning to make its live debut in the spring.

For more information, visit the band's Facebook page.

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