November 30, 2024

Former MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE drummer Bob Bryar has died at the age of 44.

According to TMZ, Bryar was found dead in his Tennessee home on Tuesday, November 26. Law enforcement officials have told TMZ there were no signs of foul play, and his belongings were untouched. His cause of death remains under investigation.

Bryar joined MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE in 2004 as the replacement for the band's original drummer Matt Pelissier. He performed and recorded music with MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE on all of the band's subsequent releases, including the classic album "The Black Parade", until his departure in 2010.

On March 3, 2010, MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE guitarist Frank revealed that Bob had left the band. In an official statement on the band's web site, he wrote: "As of 4 weeks ago, MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE and Bob Bryar parted ways.

"This was a painful decision for all of us to make and was not taken lightly. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors and expect you all to do the same."

In 2015, Bob opened up about his exit from MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, writing in a social media post: "It's been about five years since I was kicked out of MY CHEM, I became the most depressed, angry, suicidal person ever. Now, I am on so many pills that I feel a bit better, although, it still (b)others me every day. In a recent conversation, I was told I won't be back."

Bryar retired from the music industry in 2014 and pursued a career as an estate agent.

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