Former QUIET RIOT Singer: 'I Think I Was Doing One Hell Of A Job'

April 25, 2012

Former QUIET RIOT lead singer Mark Huff tells's Ruben Mosqueda that he found out he was fired from the band via the Internet while he was in the hospital waiting for a brain surgery.

"I've never had any problems like this in my life," Mark said. "I woke up on January 1st (2012) and I had a seizure. I woke up in the hospital actually. I was told that I had an AVM, which is arteriovenous malformation, in my brain. I was told that it was something that needed to be taken care of right away, but I would make a full recovery. I contacted the guys in QUIET RIOT and let them know. In the coming days no one from QUIET RIOT came down to see me. I had to find out through the Internet that I had been fired from the band."

Regarding the reasons for his dismissal from the band, Huff said, "I had been signed on for the year (2012). I had dates, I had flight itineraries, and I was ready to go. This was something that came out of nowhere. I understand people need to get back to work but I'm not happy at how they went about it. I'm past that now, but I don't like when people go out of their way to stifle my mouth about the truth. I'm an honest, hard-working person and a skilled musician. I deserve respect — that's the bottom line. . . . I think I was doing one hell of a job. Sure my feelings were hurt, but I'm moving past that, although it would be fake and untruthful to wish them well — I just don't care anymore. I don't wish them anything."

On the topic of his future plans, Huff said, "I have been given a clean bill of health by my surgeon. I'm going to be doing some singing with a band called 69 ANGELS. I have a friend in San Francisco who was bothering me about singing on a record before I had my seizure. I plan on heading over to San Francisco to record with 69 ANGELS. I'm also really looking forward to doing live dates with (VAN HALEN tribute band) 5150 in July. I'm not going shy away from any opportunity to sing if my voice fits it. I'm looking forward to getting back to work."

QUIET RIOT played several shows in early February with ex-MONTROSE vocalist Keith St. John following the departure of Mark Huff. They have since recruited Scott Vokoun as their new singer.

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