FRED DURST: 'Go USA! Go Freedom For Iraq!'

March 21, 2003

LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst has posted the following message to the group's official web site:

"What the hell is up people!!!! I just finished doing a song with Snoop Dogg and I brought Bubba Sparxxx in on it too!! It's a cool track I wrote with DJ Lethal. We've also been rehearsing for the WWE Wrestlemania event in Seattle on March 30. Looks like it's gonna be a pretty damn hype event! If you watch the commercials for it then you'll hear bits and pieces of 'Crack Addict'. Sure works well with people getting their heads cracked! Anyway, just about to launch the new site. It has some really cool effects on it. I'm sure it'll be a great place for all of us to escape. Co-hosting the Jimmy Kimmel show has been ill. Tonight my band THE REVOLUTION SMILE will be playing. I'm stoked. They rock soooooo hard. And as for the war... I cannot believe it. It is in full effect. bombs exploding all over my television screen. Surreal. It's not a movie. It's reality now! I pray for all of the people over in Iraq that are fighting in this war. And I pray for anyone who gets hurt or is killed in this war. I also pray for all of the American troops that are fighting this war. I pray that they stand strong and that their courage wont let them down. And I pray that they come home safe and celebrate a US victory. This is life today people! This is what is going on Friday, March 21, 2003. Unbelievable! We have to stick together. We can't protest any longer. We have to support our country now because we are at the point of no return now. Go USA! Go freedom for Iraq! And on that note, our new CD is gonna hit you with a similar impact! Got it? Good!! I love you and kiss my ass! Fred."

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