September 24, 2003

KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons recently spoke to about his most memorable and most unusual sexual experiences.

When asked if there is one experience he remembers above all others, Simmons said, "No, but one incident made my heart beat like nothing else. In the Seventies, we kept being invited to bizarre parties. There was a fund-raiser at a foreign dignitary's house. I was the only one from the band there, and I was a fish out of water. I was gonna leave. The people were way too classy. Then a very attractive older woman walked in. I was in my 20s, she must have been in her early 40s, with an accent. She asks if I would come with her for a second. I thought innocently enough she was gonna sell me some etchings or something. She took me upstairs by the hand like a little child and we went inside a bedroom. She went to this bookshelf and pressed some stuff and it opened into a vault with phones. I realized later it was a safety room. She pulled my pants down and seduced me, and of course I took the bait like any fish. The thing that made my heart pound was that her husband was downstairs, this was his house and he was a foreign dignitary. I ran out of there with my tail between my legs."

With regards to the oldest groupie he's ever had sex with, Gene said, "The oldest one — and I talk about it in my book — was in Birmingham, Alabama. I must have been 24 or 25 and our limo driver was an attractive, big woman, who must have been about 64. And one morning she knocks on the door earlier than when we had to leave. And I said, 'I thought we don't have to leave till 10 o'clock.' I hear the voice going, 'You don't. Open up.' I opened up and we did it on the floor, everywhere. We're driving to the airport in the limo and I must have had a shit-eating grin on my face. The guys are asking me, 'So, did you get any action last night?' And the limo driver turns around and says, 'By the way, my 19-year-old granddaughter is coming in town. Do you wanna do us both?' I got stares like 'Ripley's Believe It or Not'."

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