January 20, 2012

Relapse Records has announced the re-signing of Swedish goregrind legends GENERAL SURGERY.

Originally formed in 1988, GENERAL SURGERY (Joacim Carlsson - guitar, Andreas Eriksson - bass, Andreas Mitroulis - drums, Erik Sahlström - lead vocals) released the seminal "Necrology" EP via Relapse in 1991 before going on a long hiatus until 2002. The band issued numerous splits, EPs, and two full-length albums since then and will be coming back in a blood-soaked rage in 2012!

"A Collection Of Depravation", a compilation of 30 GENERAL SURGERY choice cuts will see its official release via Relapse on March 27. The collection was digitally remastered by PIG DESTROYER's Scott Hull and contains a 24-page booklet with extensive liner notes from the band.

In other news, GENERAL SURGERY will release a new seven-inch EP and record a full-length album in the near future.

Commented GENERAL SURGERY's Dr. Carlsson: "We are honored to announce that we will once again be working with the label that started us off (and in a way, we helped get off to a good start too back in 1990). Things are indeed coming full circle as we enter another phase of our gristle spattered career. The seeds for this collaboration were sown during the process of re-releasing the 'Necrology' EP last year, where both parties felt that further co-operation would be just the right thing for the future.

"Coming up immediately is our new 30-track collection CD, 'A Collection of Depravation', brimming with old putrefying cuts from our earlier split releases. Following that will be a 5-track 7" EP entitled 'Like An Ever Flying Limb', recorded during fall 2011 at Audiohammer (Sweden) studio. As if that wasn't enough, there will be a third full-length album to look forward to in the not so distant future."

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