GEORGE LYNCH On 'Maximum Threshold' Show; Audio Available

June 26, 2009

Legendary guitarist George Lynch (DOKKEN, LYNCH MOB, SOULS OF WE) was interviewed on this past Saturday's (June 20) edition of the "Maximum Threshold" show. The program is now available for streaming using he audio player below.

"Maximum Threshold" is an Internet radio show dedicated to presenting up-and-coming hard rock bands and successful bands as well as interviews, news and music reviews.

LYNCH MOB β€” George Lynch (guitar),Oni Logan (vocals),Marco Mendoza (bass; ex-WHITESNAKE, THIN LIZZY) and Scot Coogan (drums; ACE FREHLEY, ex-BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION) β€” recently comleted work on its new album, titled "Smoke And Mirrors", for a late summer release. Songtitles set to appear on the CD include "The Phasist", "Mansions In The Sky" and "Hollywood Heroes". Lynch previously stated about the new tracks, "It's got a nice old-school, four-on-the-floor vibe to it… very honest, bare and raw!"

George Lynch's unique melodic style and technical mastery have influenced countless fans for decades. In his IMV "Behind the Player" DVD, George gives in-depth lessons for how to play "Mr. Scary" and "Tooth and Nail" by DOKKEN β€” then jams the tracks with MEGADETH bassist James Lomenzo and KORN drummer Ray Luzier. The DVD also includes a behind-the-scenes look at George's life as professional musician, motion graphic VideoTab that shows exactly how he plays his part in the two tracks, and exclusive special features.

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