GEORGE LYNCH Says His Alleged Conflict With DON DOKKEN Is 'A Fallacy And A Created Illusion'

October 27, 2010

Rob Cavuoto of Guitar International recently conducted an interview with legendary guitarist George Lynch (LYNCH MOB, DOKKEN, SOULS OF WE). An excerpt from the chat follows below.

Guitar International: Have you mended fences with Don Dokken?

George: The Don-George conflict is really a fallacy and a created illusion. We're absolutely fine. We had had business disagreements for sure but, what band or business partners don't? We've been fine for years. It's all been blown way out of proportion over the years and it's an old tired story.

Guitar International: How is the LYNCH MOB tour going and what does the future hold for the band?

George: The current incarnation of LYNCH MOB is my dream band. I'm playing with Brian Tichy (drums) who I've been dreaming of playing with for years. We're really good friends and just having a blast together. Were also neighbors, so were always hanging out, playing video games and jamming at the house. Playing with Brian and the guys is like being back in a band with my high school friends, only big time. My band mates are my family. We're working on a new record with Jeff Pilson on bass. I can't tell you how much fun it is working with Jeff and Brian. They are ridiculously amazing musicians but more importantly just beautiful human beings. Funny, smart, talented and giving people, if the world was made up of more people of their caliber we'd be a lot better off.

Read the entire interview from Guitar International.

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