December 22, 2005HeavyMetalSource.com has posted more video interviews from the Roadrunner United concert rehearsals on December 14, 2005 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. The interview clips feature Glen Benton of DEICIDE, Jeff Waters of ANNIHILATOR and former ANTHRAX guitarist Rob Caggiano. Glen speaks of his contributions to the "Roadrunner United" album and his appearance at the Dec. 15 show, he reveals that the new DEICIDE album will be out in April or May, describing the music as "old-school DEICIDE" and adding that all that has to be done is the lyrics. He also talks about his 14-year-old son being into metal and being a good guitarist. He touches on the passing of Dimebag and Chuck Schuldiner and says that he will not celebrate Christmas and may leave the country. Jeff Waters of ANNIHILATOR talks about his contribution to the "Roadrunner United" album, saying it is an honor to be part of it, he discusses touring with PANTERA in 1991 and how he met Dime. He also also talks about his Christmas plans to spend time with his 10-year-old son and his Christmas wish is to get a deal to tour with ANNIHILATOR. Rob Caggiano's interview covers his performance on December 15 playing keyboards, and all of the new albums he is producing — from CRADLE OF FILTH to NORA and many more. He gives his thoughts on the ANTHRAX reunion, reveals that he almost quit music after Dimebag's death and says to watch out for his return as a musician with a project he is currently working on.
Watch the video clips at this location.