GLENN HUGHES Explains Why He Is Spending Only 19 Days Recording His New Solo Album

June 18, 2024

In early May, Glenn Hughes spoke to Guitar Interactive Magazine about his upcoming studio album, tentatively due in early 2025. The long-awaited follow-up to 2016's "Resonate" is being recorded this month in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hughes said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "In between interviews today, I'm writing a new song number four. So it's going really, really well. I wrote the music about six months ago and I finished all the music about three weeks ago and I'm now writing lyrics. We go in the studio on June the 1st. And in 19 days, the album will be finished. So I presume it'll be out next March."

Asked who will accompany him during the recording sessions for his new album, Glenn said: "Søren [Andersen, guitar] is back with me, and Ash Sheehan, my drummer from my band, and Bob Fridzema [on] keyboards. I think my friend Chad Smith [RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS] will be guesting as he'll be in Copenhagen sometime in June. Chad has played on every album I've done in the last 15 years."

Regarding why he is only spending 19 days recording his new album, Hughes said: "If all the music is ready and all the lyrics are ready, I don't see any reason why it can't be done in that time, because I normally come in the studio with everything finished. This time it's gonna be a real… Look. I've got how many days now, about — I don't know — three weeks before it's the 1st of June. I'm still traveling. I've got a couple of days off, so I'm spending most of my time… I've got four lyrics written now, I've got six to go. I should be on point. So if I've got it on point by the 31st of May, I'll be okay."

The 72-year-old Glenn, who has just released a new album from his supergroup BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION, previously discussed his plans to record a new solo album last October 2023 in an interview with Brazilian music journalist Igor Miranda. Asked how "Resonate" has aged for him musically since its release nine years ago, Glenn said: "I love the album. It's one of my favorite albums. I think a lot of people across the world, the rock fans love that album. I was at home writing that album and I went to Copenhagen and I had a really great time making that album. And the next one hopefully will be as strong."

In September 2023, Glenn told the "Iron City Rocks" podcast about where he draws his lyrical inspiration from nowadays: "I don't write about politics. I write about the human condition. I write about how are we feeling, what are we going through, are we going to get through this — you know, acceptance, staying in the present moment. This is the big thing for me. People call it woke, awakening, if you will… For me, it's all about staying present in this moment right now, and I'm writing about that."

"Resonate" was released in November 2016 via Frontiers Music Srl. It featured Glenn's then-live solo band members, Søren Andersen (guitars and co-producer),Pontus Engborg (drums) and Lachy Doley (keyboards),in addition to longtime friend Chad Smith (RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS),who joined them in the studio for the opening and closing numbers.

Last year, Hughes launched his solo tour under the banner "Glenn Hughes Performs Classic Deep Purple Live – Celebrating The 50th Anniversary Of The Album Burn". Glenn performed DEEP PURPLE's legendary rock album "Burn" and also ran through DEEP PURPLE MKIII and MKIV songs.

Hughes spent key years of his career as the beloved bassist and vocalist of DEEP PURPLE, appearing on the classic albums "Burn", "Stormbringer" and "Come Taste The Band".

Hughes, who was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame in 2016 along with fellow DEEP PURPLE members Ritchie Blackmore, David Coverdale, Jon Lord, Rod Evans, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover and Ian Paice, spent more than three years recording and touring as the frontman of the supergroup THE DEAD DAISIES.

Glenn's BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION supergroup with guitarist Joe Bonamassa, drummer Jason Bonham (LED ZEPPELIN) and keyboardist Derek Sherinian (DREAM THEATER, ALICE COOPER, BILLY IDOL) released its fifth album, "V", earlier in June.

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