GOD FORBID's DALLAS COYLE On Labels, The Political Process

June 30, 2008

GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has written the latest entry for his weekly column on MetalSucks, "The Hard R". This week's entry focuses on how labels can obscure the truth. An excerpt from the blog follows:

"Politics is such a dirty game but it teaches me a lot about how it is in the world we live in. Most people aren't informed. Most people don't want to know what's going on. Most people would like other people make decisions for them. This is why politics is always about 'Defining Your Opponent.'

"Each politician is doing the homework for the public and if they do it right then they will win. It seems Obama has a one-up on McCain because McCain just seems lost, old and out of touch. The funny thing is Obama doesn't even have to do anything for that to happen. McCain does it to himself.

"People shouldn't try to define themselves as anything. Conservative, Liberal, metalhead, indie rock. It's all bullshit. It's all a way for your opponent to define you. Make no mistakes, most people want you to fail. They want to define you so you can't move past that one thing you are now. If you're doing that one thing well, watch out, they really want you to fail. There's no way you can be more than just one thing! THE HORROR!

"The saddest thing is people are defining themselves all the time. They define themselves so you know where they stand before the debate can begin. How fucking crazy is that? That just means no one cares what you think they just want you to know where they stand. They will lie and obscure the truth to keep themselves in their place while hoping you know your place."

To read the rest of this blog entry, visit www.metalsucks.net.

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