September 14, 2007

AYREON, the brainchild of Dutch guitarist/composer Arjen Lucassen, has posted an audio sample of the next guest singer who will appear on the band's upcoming album, tentatively due late 2007/early 2008: GOTTHARD frontman Steve Lee. Other vocalists scheduled to appear on the CD include Bob Catley (MAGNUM),Anneke van Giersbergen (THE GATHERING),Jonas P. Renske (KATATONIA),Jorn Lande (MASTERPLAN),Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY),Ty Tabor (KING'S X),Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV),Simone Simons (EPICA),Liselotte Hegt (DIAL),Phideaux Xavier and Floor Jansen (AFTER FOREVER). A total of fifteen singers have been confirmed to guest on the album, with more to be added.

AYREON's last CD, "Ayreon: The Human Equation", was released in 2004. It contained guest appearances by a number of acclaimed vocalists, including James LaBrie (DREAM THEATER),Mike Baker (SHADOW GALLERY),Mikael Ã…kerfeldt (OPETH),Eric Clayton (SAVIOUR MACHINE),Devon Graves (DEADSOUL TRIBE, ex-PSYCHOTIC WALTZ) and Devin Townsend (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD).

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