Guess Identity Of New CELESTY Vocalist

February 15, 2010

Finnish epic power metal quintet CELESTY has found a new vocalist after a public search launched in December and is now officially a sextet again.

"We are proud to announce we have selected a new lead vocalist for the band," says drummer/composer Jere Luokkamäki. "We want sincerely thank all the singers who participated the search and sent us their tapes. The band was really happy to notice that there's so many extremely great singers out there! But, in the end, the decision was easy: Our new singer is exactly the man we were looking for!"

Below are links for two MP3 teasers featuring the new singer. Listen to the teaser samples, guess who the new singer is — and win an exclusive prize!

Sample #1:

Sample #2:

Send your answer by e-mail to [email protected] and you will be automatically entered into a competition where the winner will receive an exclusive CELESTY package, including merchandise, the latest album, "Vendetta", a meeting with the band, and two free concert tickets to a CELESTY show of the winner's choice.

The competition is open for only one week, so be sure to send your answers before February 19 at 0:59 p.m. Finnish time (UTC+2). The identity of the new singer and the name of the winner of the competition will be published at the following day, February 20.

An e-card for "Vendetta", the fourth full-length album from CELESTY, can be accessed at this location. The CD, which was released in March 2009 via Spinefarm Records, features eleven tracks and over sixty minutes of music.

"Vendetta" includes guest appearances by Stephan Lill (VANDEN PLAS) and Elias Viljanen (SONATA ARCTICA). Suvi-Tuuli Dietrich (ESCAPE) contributed female vocals to the album.

The "Fading Away" video can be viewed below. The clip was shot in an isolated quarry 100 miles from the band's hometown of Seinäjoki and was directed by Markus Nieminen of Routafilmi, who has previously helmed dozens of music videos, as well as a number of short films and feature movies.

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