GUNS N' ROSES: Costa Rica Concert Officially Cancelled
April 13, 2010According to Tico Times, hopes for a new GUNS N' ROSES concert were dashed Monday when the band posted a statement on its Facebook page saying it would not play a makeup date for the show originally scheduled for Friday at Ricardo Saprissa Stadium. That gig was canceled due to a faulty stage setup.
As of Monday night it appeared the show would be rescheduled. At 10:28 p.m. Monday night, a posting on the band's Facebook site read: "The Costa Rica show has been rescheduled for April 13th. Please note that the show will take place at a new venue."
The post was followed by an early morning confirmation that the concert would be held at La Guácima in Alajuela on April 13.
However, as soon as word of the rescheduled concert circulated amongst national media outlets, a third post on the GUNS N' ROSES Facebook page at around 11 a.m. extinguished fan's hopes. "Central America update: The previously announced rescheduled show in Costa Rica at La Guácima will unfortunately not happen," the posting read.
With the announcement of the official cancelation, the production agency 28 Producciones, which was in charge of the event, sent out an apologetic email to fans and members of the press. The email assured ticket-holding fans that they would be reimbursed and that all inquiries should be referred to the web page 28producciones.com.