HALESTORM's LZZY HALE Says It's 'A Beautiful Thing' To Be Asked By So Many Other Artists To Guest On Their Recordings

April 11, 2023

HALESTORM frontwoman Lzzy Hale, who has made a number of guest appearances in recent years alongside such artists as DAUGHTRY, APOCALYPTICA, THE HU, Eric Church, Lindsey Stirling, SHINEDOWN, Machine Gun Kelly, BLACK STONE CHERRY, SEETHER, ADRENALINE MOB and STONE SOUR, was asked in an interview with The SDR Show how her collaborations usually come about. She responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I'm requested, and I either say yes or no. It's a lot more yeses than it is nos, obviously. But I was just thinking about that the other day, 'cause I still have two on my plate that I have to record this month. And I'm, like, 'Man, people are gonna be just so sick of me by the end of this year.'

"It's interesting, 'cause I remember when we were coming up in the scene how that was Corey Taylor [SLIPKNOT, STONE SOUR] for a couple of years, where it's, like, Corey Taylor was on everything," she continued. "And I remember thinking, I'm, like, 'Man, it would be cool to be wanted that much.' So I'm very grateful for it. It's a beautiful thing. And it's fun. You get to do stuff with the people that you love. And sometimes you get to just kind of put a different flavor on it. Especially with some of the collabs that I've been doing that are outside of rock. What I realized β€” 'cause they all give me the same speech; they're, like, 'We don't want you to cater to…' If it's country, 'We don't want you to cater to country. You're here to rock. This is what you do.' And what I realized is that it doesn't matter whether you're a pop star or a rap star or a country star, everybody wants to be a rock star. Everyone wants to put on a leather jacket and do that. So it's kind of great being able to represent the genre as well."

Back in 2014, Hale spoke about her penchant for collaborating with other artists during an interview with Carnival Of Madness. Asked whom she would like to work with that she hadn't yet, Lzzy said: "I'm a very 'do what I want, when I want, with whoever I want' type of gal. If I believe or admire someone, regardless of the genre, I will be very happy to work with them.

"Lindsey [Stirling] is a shredder," she added. "She's the real deal, and even when everyone said she'd never make it, she moved forward and did it anyway. I have a responsibility as a musician and a girl to support that. Next, I'd love to work with Eminem and I'd love to bring P!nk to the dark side."

This past December, HALESTORM released a deluxe edition of its latest album, "Back From The Dead". "Back From The Dead: Deluxe Edition" includes seven previously unreleased B-sides, including "Mine", a 1980s-inspired rocker. "Back From The Dead: Deluxe Edition" is available digitally, on CD, and cassette tape, marking the first time that the album has been offered in those physical formats.

Lzzy and her brother Arejay (drums) formed HALESTORM in 1998 while in middle school. Guitarist Joe Hottinger joined the group in 2003, followed by bassist Josh Smith in 2004.

In December 2018, HALESTORM was nominated for a "Best Rock Performance" Grammy Award for its song "Uncomfortable". Six years earlier, the band won its first Grammy in the category of "Best Hard Rock/ Metal Performance" for "Love Bites (So Do I)".

In a recent interview with Troy Culpan of May The Rock Be With You, Lzzy expressed her hope that she and her bandmates will have "a new record β€” kind of β€” set and figured out" by the end of 2023. And "maybe [even] done," Joe said, adding that "the gears are" turning with regard to writing the follow-up to "Back From The Dead".

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