December 24, 2004

HALFORD/PAINMUSEUM guitarist "Metal" Mike Chlasciak recently spoke to Metal-Rules.com about the debut PAINMUSEUM release, "Metal For Life", and the upcoming studio album from HALFORD, among other topics. A couple of excerpts from the interview follow:

Metal-Rules.com: What is the REAL story behind the cancellation of the Metal Gods Tour in 2002?

"Metal" Mike Chlasciak: "I do not know the real story as there were too many variations of it. However the real story hit really hard when we returned home and had to pick up the pieces again. But, by that time PAINMUSEUM was already in progress and as you might remember we opened each show that happened. It was a weird dark time of uncertainty, but we got through it and ended up in a better place ultimately."

Metal-Rules.com: What were your feelings when Halford announced he was rejoining PRIEST? Did you know about it beforehand or was it a shock?

"Metal" Mike Chlasciak: "Nah .... we all pretty much knew and the confirmation came in as 'definite' a few days before. As I said somewhere before .... I was happy for Rob personally, as I knew that he wanted to be in PRIEST again. So I was happy for that. But, you know, no .... I did not really 'want' him to join PRIEST. In any case, there are many layers that were put together and meetings that people do not know about. But as we all know, HALFORD is doing a new album in 2005. And, I will tell you it's gonna be a fucking huge crushing record that will shut up a lot of people.

Metal-Rules.com: Have you heard any of the new PRIEST material yet and if so any thoughts, if not, what are your expectations?

"Metal" Mike Chlasciak: "Never heard a note. I expect it to be a killer release. And, I'll just guess it will be 'British Steel' meets 'Painkiller' with a few new things.

Metal-Rules.com: On a more depressing note... Do you have any comments you'd like to make regarding the murder of Dimebag Darrell? Since your former HALFORD bandmate, Patrick Lachman, went on to DAMAGEPLAN, I assume you have met Darrell? Perhaps you have a nice story to share about him for us fans?

"Metal" Mike Chlasciak: "Dime and I met a few times, although we never became great, great friends. Simply, because the circumstances were that we met in quick after/before-the-show type scenarios. It sucks. It's fucked, as neither Dime, Phil or anybody did not break up PANTERA — that one fan that shot Dime did. That's it. Dime was always cool ... just sounded like a huge fan, enjoying himself."

Read "Metal" Mike Chlasciak's entire interview with Metal-Rules.com at this location.

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