HOLY MOSES: New Album Title Announced

June 6, 2008

Long-running German thrashers HOLY MOSES have set "Agony of Death" as the title of their new album, due around September 19 via via Wacken Records/SPV. The band is currently putting the finishing toches on the new CD at the Blue Castle Studio near Hamburg with producer/guitar player Michael Hankel.

HOLY MOSES will be perform two new tracks from the new album at the Wacken Open Air 2008 festival when they play the Black Stage on August 2 (1:55 p.m. 2:40 p.m.).

An audio interview with Sabina Classen conducted on March 22, 2008 by Gino Alache of Rockum Radio (broadcasting out of Lima, Peru) is available for download at this location.

Fan-filmed video footage of HOLY MOSES' January 16, 2008 concert in Lyon, France can be viewed below.

HOLY MOSES' last CD, "Strength Power Will Passion", was released in the U.S. in September 2005 via Crash Music Inc. The group's tenth album was the follow-up to 2002's "Disorder of the Order", which came out through Century Media.

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