HOPELESS RECORDS Opens HOPELESS MUSIC ACADEMY In Los Angeles For Under-Resourced Youth

October 26, 2024

This fall, Hopeless Records and its nonprofit arm The Hopeless Foundation will launch the Hopeless Music Academy, a transformative program in Los Angeles designed to provide education and opportunities in music creative and music business to youth in under-resourced positions. The initiative is a collaboration between Hopeless, the Van Nuys, California-based independent label, and New Directions For Youth, a non-profit organization that has served under-resourced youth and families for 48 years. Since its founding, The Hopeless Foundation has donated over three million dollars to more than 150 charity initiatives.

Opening in November, the Hopeless Music Academy's offerings for youth ages 13-18 will include after-school programs, mentorship and internship opportunities, job placements, apprenticeships, scholarships, and more. The Hopeless Music Academy's space (co-located at New Directions For Youth in North Hollywood, and Hopeless Records in Van Nuys, California) features a state-of-the-art recording studio with top-of-the-line equipment and software.

The Hopeless Music Academy is tailored to support youth from the San Fernando Valley community in Los Angeles who face significant challenges, such as those living in high-crime areas, who may have tough home lives, navigating financial barriers, or those who have been involved with the juvenile justice system. Through its programming and community, the Academy will provide students with a structured and supportive environment where they can develop their musical talents and gain valuable industry experience.

The Hopeless Music Academy curriculum will include music industry workshops and courses for students to gain exposure to various career paths in the music industry, such as learning skills for performance-related roles (songwriters, producers, recording artists, engineers) and education on the possibilities in music business jobs (A&R, marketing, sales, operations, etc.). The studio is equipped with a MacBook Pro loaded with Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, along with a midi keyboard and external hard drive.

One of the Academy's goals is to establish a mock artist project, allowing students to release the music they create during their time in the program and get hands-on experience on all aspects of creating, releasing, and marketing records. The Hopeless Foundation has named music industry and youth programming specialist Rheanna "Caedance" Lauren as the full-time program director of the Academy. A Canadian-American songwriter, youth director, and project producer based in LA, she's worked with adolescents both directly, and in programming via summer camps, after-school care, social-emotional learning, and arts and sports education.

To enhance the Academy's impact, The Hopeless Foundation is also building partnerships with other organizations and schools to expand its reach and resources. A host of college preparation services and internship opportunities will be available through partner universities and community colleges, as well.

A pilot program launching next month will run through December and involve up to ten students per month. This initial phase will help refine the Academy's offerings and ensure the program meets the needs of its participants. The full program will officially commence in early 2025.

Hopeless Records founder and CEO Louis Posen said: "Ever since I started Hopeless thirty years ago, 'paying it forward' in the industry and beyond has been a top priority, and one that's woven into everything we do at The Hopeless Foundation. Partnering with New Directions For Youth on the Hopeless Music Academy, and working to make a difference for kids in the community who want to be in this business, is a true honor."

Executive director Monica Asutin-Jackson from New Directions For Youth said: "Getting to partner with a label like Hopeless, which has such amazing connections in the industry, and a leader like Louis — someone who really cares, and is willing to put in the work to do his part — is a privilege. We are excited to help even more students tap into their creativity and skills through the Academy."

The Hopeless Foundation is committed to making a positive impact through music. In addition to the Hopeless Music Academy, the Foundation's work on projects such as its "Songs That Saved My Life" series (which benefits mental health and suicide prevention charities),and other artist-driven initiatives has earned Hopeless Records recognition from the U.S. Congress, the State of California, and the City of Los Angeles.

Founded in 1993 as an excuse to release a GUTTERMOUTH seven-inch, Hopeless Records has been a defining force in alternative music for more than three decades. In that time, the Van Nuys, California-based indie label has sold more than fifteen million albums, and guided the careers of influential acts ranging from platinum and gold-selling bands like ALL TIME LOW and AVENGED SEVENFOLD to THRICE, TAKING BACK SUNDAY, YELLOWCARD, SUM 41 and NEW FOUND GLORY. Today, Hopeless's roster features an array of the hottest emerging acts like ILLUMINATI HOTTIES, NECK DEEP, THE WONDER YEARS, STAND ATLANTIC, WATERPARKS, SCENE QUEEN, NOAHFINNCE and TX2, and aims to reflect the increasing diversity of the alternative genre — women make up 50% of the roster, and more than 40% of Hopeless's artists identify as LGBTQ+.

Through it all, Hopeless has stayed true to founder and CEO Louis Posen's mission to make a positive impact through music. The Hopeless Foundation has donated over three million dollars to more than 150 charities, connecting artists and fans with impactful causes and cementing Hopeless as a leading name in both music and philanthropy.

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