HOW WE END Feat. Former EVANESCENCE, AMARANTHE, NERVOSA And PRIMAL FEAR Members: 'Does Anybody Give' Music Video Released

September 17, 2023

HOW WE END, the new European crossover band established in 2022, featuring musicians from Sweden, Germany, Switzerland and Spain, has released the official music video for its third single, "Does Anybody Give". Check it out below.

Joining vocalists Diva Satanica (ex-NERVOSA) and Jake E (CYHRA, ex-AMARANTHE) are guitarists Jen Majura (ex-EVANESCENCE) and Tom Naumann (PRIMAL FEAR),while Mitch Kunz (bass/synths) and Adde Larsson (drums) provide the "heavy groove."

According to a press release, HOW WE END delivers the perfect match of contrasting vocals that shape the band's style: melodic, heavy, no compromises. HOW WE END's music is a kickass blend of heavy guitar riffs and electronic programmed influences, growls and catchy singalong choruses.

HOW WE END performed live for the first time at this year's 30th-anniversary edition of Rockharz festival in early July.

In a recent interview with Rock The Joint Magazine, Majura stated about HOW WE END: "With me coming in as the last puzzle piece, I was not involved in the early songwriting process, but I could come in and listen to the material from an outsider's objective point of view. I picked the first three singles. With 'My Fighting Heart', I knew this was the first single, this was it. It is mainstream catchy, and I think of Jake E as a fantastic musician, with the ability to write these great hooks. I like the combination of these guttural vocals from Diva. And Diva is such a sweetheart; if you met her, you would totally not expect her to sing like that. She is this cute girl, and then you hear her sing, and it's, 'Children, go inside and save yourselves.' Jake E is a great vocalist too. I heard the song and felt it was the best way to present the band to the world."

She continued: "I would present the process with a kitchen analogy: in the kitchen, you have all the herbs and spices, and you add them in, and every dish can taste differently. Each song, you can tell its origin, but there is such depth and different influences in there… People assume I am listening to metal all the time, [that] I wake up and go to sleep listening to KREATOR, yes? No. I like some very well produced pop music by Lady Gaga, and I think highly of her. Then I am friends with Ron 'Bumblefoot' Thal, and he does music outside the box, then I like prog metal, I like all styles of music. We shouldn't write with a view to fitting into a genre, but feel free to write. Nowadays, the world is more open-minded, I hope."

Photo credit: Dirk Behlau

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