IRON MAIDEN To Headline Next Year's DOWNLOAD Festival

September 20, 2012

Having recently completed the North American leg of the "Maiden England World Tour", one of the most successful rock tours of the summer, IRON MAIDEN will now be storming across Europe in 2013 playing stadiums, major festivals and arenas with this critically acclaimed show. The first date to be announced is at the U.K.'s Download festival on Saturday, June 15 when MAIDEN return to the legendary Donington Park to headline for a record fifth time! (following 1988,1992, 2003 and 2007).

That achievement is equally significant as 2013 is the 25th anniversary of MAIDEN first topping the bill there in 1988 when the festival was known as Monsters Of Rock attracting 107,000 fans, which is still the highest attendance ever at Donington. This was during their "Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son" tour, from which the current tour draws much of its inspiration for both set list and production as seen in the 1988 long form concert video "Maiden England", making this Download appearance even more unique!

Says MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson: "We were completely overwhelmed by the reaction from our North American fans to the 'Maiden England' tour, which was our most extensive tour there for many years. Some of the cities we played we hadn't visited in over twenty years so had no idea what to expect! But the opening night in Charlotte was packed to the rafters and the crowd was amazing. This continued throughout making the whole tour very special. We had a lot of fun playing the older songs there and the fans seemed to love the set list and Eddie's various incarnations! We all can't wait to bring this show to our European fans."

"We're absolutely over the moon to be headlining Donington again. The idea of returning exactly 25 years later with a show inspired by that same 1988 'Seventh Son' tour was too good an opportunity to be missed! And, thanks to modern technology, we've been able to update and improve on the original production. We will be bringing a huge new lightshow, stage set, various incarnations of Eddie, plenty of pyro and all kinds of other exciting stuff for the fans. And, of course, treating the fans to lots of their favourite songs from that period!

"We've had many great times at Donington and there is always a wonderful mix of bands and a really wild crowd who love their metal, all of which makes for a memorable show and fantastic party atmosphere!"

Adds MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris: "We know how popular the 'History Of Maiden' tours are with fans of all ages, so we want to take the show to as many places as we possibly can around Europe, taking with us the full production we had in North America. We had a huge amount of fun with the set list as we got to play songs we'd not played in a very long time like 'Seventh Son', 'The Prisoner' and 'Afraid To Shoot Strangers', as well as fan favorites like 'The Trooper', 'Aces High', 'The Number Of The Beast', 'Wasted Years' and 'Run To The Hills'. The opening leg of the tour was so enjoyable for the whole band we're really looking forward to taking it to our fans in Europe, and, of course, Doningtonā€.

Many more European dates will be announced over the next few months.

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