JACOBY SHADDIX Recalls MÖTLEY CRÜE's Attempt To Limit PAPA ROACH's Stage Space During 2008 'Crüe Fest'

May 31, 2024

Earlier today (Friday, May 31),PAPA ROACH singer Jacoby Shaddix and guitarist Jerry Horton took part in an acoustic performance and question-and-answer session at " The Lounge" at the Chicago alternative rock station Q101. You can now watch the session below.

Asked to name their favorite tour, Jerry said: "I would say the KORN tour. 'Cause we were young. We did Warped Tour in 2000, and then right after that we did KORN. And they us under their wing. They were, like, 'Grasshopper, we'll show you how to do it.' And they treated us great, and they set the bar for how we treated bands when we took them out."

Added Jacoby: "They were just, like, 'Turn up as loud as you want. You can use the stage however you want. Just get up there and throw down.' And like some bands aren't like that. They wanna squash your sound. They wanna, 'Oh, you can't use this part of the stage.'"

Asked to name some of those bands, Jacoby said: "I'll tell you right now. We did a tour with MÖTLEY CRÜE [in 2008]. And they had these wings. It was 'Crüe Fest'. It was sick, dude. And I had befriended the guys in the band. And I didn't know Vince [Neil, MÖTLEY CRÜE singer] very well. And there were these wings out on the side, and they were, like… The stage manager comes over and he goes, 'You can't use the wings.' I'm, like, 'Don't tell me [not] to do it, 'cause I will.' So I'm out there on the wing doing my thing. And it's, like, halfway through the tour, and I continue to not listen. And I'm getting calls from management and this and that. And we get off and we're in — it was in Ohio somewhere. And I remember getting off stage I'm all sweaty. I'm walking back to the bus. And you never see Vince and Nikki [Sixx, MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist] together on tour. And these two dudes are walking side by side, and they stop and they're, like, 'Hey, how'd the show go?' And I was, like, 'Oh, it was banging, dude. What's up?' Vince looks at me, and he goes, 'You know, next time you walk out on that wing over there, you could just walk right off this tour.' And I didn't skip a beat, and I just looked at him. I said, 'So there is a fucking way off this tour.' I just walked away. And I'm, like, 'Man…' I love the dudes in MÖTLEY CRÜE, but it was, like, 'How are you gonna try to tell somebody to live by rules? You're fucking MÖTLEY CRÜE. Give me a break.' Like, nah, dude. You can't. Nah, it's, like, it just don't work."

Shaddix went on to say that he remained on good terms with MÖTLEY CRÜE despite the testy exchange with Neil. "And then they had us back on the second 'Crüe Fest'. So it didn't burn the bridge," he said. "It was a good time, man. They even had me on a song of theirs, 'Saints Of Los Angeles'. I got to go up and sing with them and almost get burnt by pyro every night. I'm like, 'Where is it coming from?' I'm like, 'Guess, kid.'"

This past January, PAPA ROACH shared a brand new live version of their hit single "Scars" featuring a guest appearance by Chris Daughtry.

"Scars Featuring Chris Daughtry (Live)" is not only a fresh take on one of the band's biggest hits, but it also serves as the latest release on the band's "Leave A Light On (Talk Away The Dark)" EP.

In February, PAPA ROACH's "Leave A Light On" became the band's 10th career No. 1, and its fourth from PAPA ROACH's latest album, "Ego Trip", on Billboard's Mainstream Rock Airplay chart.

"Ego Trip" debuted at No. 6 on the Top Hard Rock Albums chart in April 2022.

Previous PAPA ROACH radio hits include "Between Angels And Insects", "Gravity", "Getting Away With Murder", "She Loves Me Not", "Falling Apart", "Help" and "Last Resort".

Jacoby Shaddix photo credit: Darren Craig (courtesy of Mercenary Publicity)

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