JON BON JOVI Endorses KAMALA HARRIS And TIM WALZ: 'The Truth Matters'

October 12, 2024

Jon Bon Jovi has endorsed Kamala Harris for president by sharing his recent track "The People's House", featuring Michigan gospel and country duo THE WAR AND TREATY.

In a post on Friday (October 11) on social media, the 62-year-old BON JOVI frontman wrote: "The People's House is a song that celebrates this beautiful place that we call home, from sea to shining sea. The truth matters. And the truth is on election day I'll be voting for @KamalaHarris and @TimWalz because I believe in the power of we, not of me. I've written a song reminding us that out of many, we are still one."

Harris's husband, Doug Emhoff, responded to Jon's endorsement by sharing a photo he took with Bon Jovi.

"It's my wife, and it's now or never," Emhoff wrote. "Election's coming in November. Thanks for supporting Kamala, @JonBonJovi!"

Tim Walz also replied to Bon Jovi's post, writing in the comments: "Thanks, man — so grateful to have your support!"

In the past, Bon Jovi has supported other Democratic candidates for president and has released songs in the wake of George Floyd's death and in support of current U.S. president Joe Biden. Jon was also appointed by former U.S. president Barack Obama to the White House Council for Community Solutions in 2010.

Bon Jovi reportedly attended a recent Harris fundraiser at the home of New Jersey governor Phil Murphy, with Emhoff also in attendance.

"The People's House" is taken from BON JOVI's latest album, "Forever", which came out in June.

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