KERRY KING: 'If I Had The Opportunity To Play A Song With ZAKK WYLDE, I'd Be All Over It'
June 20, 2008UK's Terrorizer magazine recently conducted a short interview with SLAYER guitarist Kerry King. A few excerpts from the chat follow.
Terrorizer: This is the third leg of the Unholy Alliance tour. Will this package just run and run?
King: "It could keep coming as long as there are interesting bills to put together. I think there will be a time when it keeps coming and we're not a part of it. If it becomes a yearly thing we won't do it anymore because then you become married to it, and we don't want to have to make time for anything like that."
Terrorizer: You've been touring on and off for almost twenty years. How long have you got before you throw in the towel?
King: "On the last run, Tom [Araya, bass/vocals] said we might be coming to the end sooner rather than later. I wasn't tired in the first place. I'm ready to go. Seeing people like Dio and Halford that are much older than me just go out there and rip shit up. I don't think I'll be playing as long or until as old as they are, because our show is more physical but inspiring to see people like that just kick your ass.
Terrorizer: Other than the Unholy Alliance tour, what new music do you recommend thrash fans to go and see live?
King: "MUNICIPAL WASTE, you can't go wrong with them if you like thrash! I wish I could have seen AIRBOURNE yesterday. They're supposed to be like AC/DC, and I love AC/DC. I haven't heard anything but good things about them."
Terrorizer: What are you most looking forward to about the tour?
King: "I'm looking forward to anything, I've been home for ten months. For the first time in twenty years. The weird thing is I didn't talk to the guys in nine months. We got home and we scattered. There wasn't like a big fight or anything, we just got home. The other guys get burned out more than I do, probably because I work out more."
Terrorizer: There were rumours of a feud between SLAYER and MARILYN MANSON when you toured together last summer. Are they true?
King: "I was the only guy who hung out with him! I'm sure Tom had his issues. When we do a tour like that with two big established bands, we don't throw our dick around, so to speak. He's got his own personal body guard and stuff. The second and third day of the tour he did a sticker on the laminates thing so you couldn't go certain places. And I threw a fucking fit. Not to him, not to any of his staff. I went to my manager and asked why I couldn't go through that door. That shit didn't come from Manson, and that was their fucking security guards. A lot of times we'll play with MAIDEN and I'll finally get through to Nicko [McBrain, drums] or somebody and he'll be like, 'Where you been?' and I'll be like, 'I couldn't get to you!'"
Terrorizer: Do you any plans to work with anyone outside of SLAYER? Any side-projects?
King: "If anyone is going to work with anybody it is going to be me I think. I've got more outlets. I mean I've got so many friends in the biz and I hang with people. Everyone else is kind of to themselves. But I wouldn't want to take time away from SLAYER because it takes us so long to put a record together. If I had the opportunity to play a song with Zakk Wylde, I'd be all over it."
Terrorizer: Would you ever consider straying away from thrash?
King: "I'm just a metal kid. So I wouldn't know where else to go. Or how to do it."
For more information, visit www.terrorizer.com.