January 17, 2010

KKOAGULAA, the multimedia, multidimensional project formed by Ccernn (a.k.a. Tor-Helge Skei, a.k.a. Cernunus) after his departure from MANES, has inked a deal with Aural Music. The group's full-length debut, "Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi", will be released in late February and will be preceded by a digital-only EP in late January.

According to a press release, "the inception of KKOAGULAA continues and furthers the pushing of boundaries that characterized the black metal/avant-garde careers of its core members, KKOAGULAA's art is a kaleidoscopic vortex of dark and light, brilliant, psychedelic colour contrasting haunting, evocative monochrome. Much discussion and speculation surrounds the KKOAGULAA podcasts, ebooks and art. The period of conception and gearing up yielded hours of material, but that material were but the rough sketches, the single and debut album comprising the first masterworks of KKOAGULAA."


* Ccernn (a.k.a. Tor-Helge Skei, a.k.a. Cernunus) (MANES, ATROX)
* Eemersonn (a.k.a. P. Emerson Williams) (CHORONZON, VEIL OF THORNS, BEYOND FLESH, SUBQTANEOUS)
* Vvindd (a.k.a. Eivind Fjoseide) (MANES, ATROX)
* Hatlen (a.k.a. Tommy Sebastian Halseth) (MANES, GRIFFIN, ATROX, GODSEND, WÃ…TTAMEZZ)
* Hoemsnes (a.k.a. Rune Hoemsnes) (MANES, THE 3RD AND THE MORTAL)
* Trstn (a.k.a. Torstein Parelius) (MANES, CHTON)

For more information, visit www.myspace.com/kkoagulaa.

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