KORN Singer Says 'FAMILY VALUES' Offers Cash Values

July 26, 2006

Launch Radio Networks reports: KORN singer Jonathan Davis says that the band's Family Values tour, which starts this Saturday (July 29) in Nashville, Tennessee, has one thing going for it that other festivals like Ozzfest don't: price. Davis told Launch that offering $10 lawn tickets sets his show apart. "Ours, what makes it so much different is the price, honestly," he said. "It's gonna be a fun show, it is eclectic, but we're selling lawn tickets for 10 bucks. And we're able to do that because of the deal we did. I know production costs a lot of money and there's tickets for other things that are like 75 bucks, 80 bucks some shows, so I just think it's fun."

KORN did a highly-publicized profit-sharing deal with its booking agent and tour promoter last year that has allowed it to lower ticket prices.

The original July 27 start date of Family Values in Virginia Beach, Virginia, was postponed to September 22.

DEFTONES, STONE SOUR, 10 YEARS, FLYLEAF and others are also on the bill.

Davis spent much of the last month recovering from a rare, potentially fatal blood disorder that forced KORN to cancel most of a European tour in June.

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