LAMB OF GOD's CHRIS ADLER Is Metal's Top Drummer

May 21, 2007

LAMB OF GOD's Chris Adler has been named the #1 drummer in the "Metal" category in Modern Drummer magazine's 2007 Readers' Poll. The Readers' Poll results appear in the July 2007 issue of the magazine, available on newsstands now.

2007 Modern Drummer magazine readers' poll results in the "Metal" category:

01. Chris Adler (LAMB OF GOD)
02. Jason Bittner (SHADOWS FALL)
03. Tomas Haake (MESHUGGAH)
04. Dave Lombardo (SLAYER)
05. Travis Smith (TRIVIUM)

LAMB OF GOD was nominated in the the "Best Metal Performance" category at the 49th annual Grammy Awards, which was held February 11 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

LAMB OF GOD's latest album, "Sacrament", has sold more than 200,000 copies in the United States since its August 21, 2006 release, according to Nielsen SoundScan. The CD was produced by Machine (CLUTCH, KING CRIMSON, PITCHSHIFTER, EIGHTEEN VISIONS, EVERY TIME I DIE).

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