LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE Blasts Increased Political Correctness: 'People Are Mad Touchy About The Stupidest S**t'
July 20, 2020In a new interview with "The Jasta Show", LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe spoke about increased political correctness amid the coronavirus pandemic, with many artists and public figures afraid to say something that may be perceived as offensive in public or in social media.
"People are having to internally vet any sort of reference to anything they may have come across… It's, like, what the fuck, man?" he said (see video below). "I mean, obviously, for something important — if you're going to write an article or support one's art publicly, or something like that — you need to do some research before you [announce] an endorsement of this person.
"People are so fucked up right now — they're so soft," Blythe continued. "And I think there's a lot of factors contributing to it. I think people are going nuts, because people aren't working and they're stuck at home and all that stuff. But I also think there's this period of uncertainty right now where nobody has any fucking answers — nobody has any fucking answers to this coronavirus thing. And people don't deal well with uncertainty. They don't like the unpredictable nature of what is going on, and all the different information, so they're looking for some sort of outlet. And any sort of thing that they can grasp upon to make them feel self-righteous and rage against, it makes them feel better. 'Okay, I've now elevated my moral plane, and I'm in the right — I'm in the right here.' So people are, like, mad touchy about the stupidest shit. It's, like, get over your fucking self."
LAMB OF GOD released its new, self-titled album on June 19 via Epic Records in the U.S. and Nuclear Blast Records in Europe. The follow-up to 2015's "VII: Sturm Und Drang" marks LAMB OF GOD's first recordings with Art Cruz, who joined the band last year as the replacement for the group's founding drummer, Chris Adler.
"Lamb Of God" was recorded with longtime producer Josh Wilbur (KORN, MEGADETH, GOJIRA, TRIVIUM) and includes special guest appearances by Jamey Jasta (HATEBREED) and Chuck Billy (TESTAMENT).