LAMB OF GOD's RANDY BLYTHE Co-Writes ‘You, Me And a '63' Movie With Actor BILLY BOB THORNTON

April 20, 2016

LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe has teamed up with photographer/filmmaker Rob Fenn and Oscar-winning actor Billy Bob Thornton to write the upcoming movie "You, Me And A '63".

"You, Me And A '63" is described as a documentary series that follows Fenn around the United States in his 1963 Ford Thunderbird. Fenn also produced and directed the film, which is narrated by Thornton.

Blythe, who has previously described himself as "a decent writer", told Metal Hammer magazine earlier in the year that he is writing a futuristic novel. "It's set 50 to 100 years in the future," Blythe said. "I'm wracking my brain right now, because you have to figure out all sorts of little things we don't think about, because of the incredibly rapid advancement of technology."

Comparing making music to the art of writing, Blythe said: "Writing a book makes writing a record look like going to kindergarten. It's a much more tense, concerted, extended, creative effort — it requires a lot of focus that [the touring] environment does not provide."

Blythe's memoir, titled "Dark Days", focused on his time in a Prague prison while on trial for manslaughter.

And so it begins... @YouMeAndA63 Today is such a special day for me! I get to officially let you know what the hell ‘You, Me And A 63’ actually is. I am making a film with the iconic Billy Bob Thornton. Sit back and let that crazy shit set in….. This film will not only star Marilyn (My 1963 Ford Thunderbird) and myself, but it will also be narrated by Billy Bob Thornton. This film will show my journey down Historic Route 66 that has me cross paths with many of my musical influences along the way. So many wonderful and talented people are involved in this film and have all been hand picked by myself. (Including the beautiful hitch hiker walking down the road outside of a little ghost town in Texas.) Another special part of this project is that it is written by Billy Bob Thornton, Randy Blythe, and myself. Imagine what will happen with those three creative minds are spewing all over a page! There is so much to talk about on this, and that’s just what I’ll be doing right here! We are doing something very special and new in film and I am extremely THANKFUL to have you be a part of it. All the best, Rob

A video posted by Rob Fenn (@rob_fenn) on

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