June 11, 2008Pop-Rock Candy Mountain recently conducted an interview with MOTRHEAD frontman Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister. An excerpt from the chat follows.
Pop-Rock Candy Mountain: How's the new album coming?
Lemmy: We have all of the tracks done. It's just vocals and guitars now, really.
Pop-Rock Candy Mountain: With this being your 20th album, was a challenge to find inspiration? How did you keep it fresh?
Lemmy: Not really, we just do what we always do. We've got it down to a fine art now, you know? We know how to do that now.
Pop-Rock Candy Mountain: You recorded parts of the album at Dave Grohl's studio?
Lemmy: Just the drums were done up there. The rest of we did in L.A.
Pop-Rock Candy Mountain: Who produced it?
Lemmy: Cameron Webb. The same as who did the last two.
Pop-Rock Candy Mountain: Are you looking forward to the tour with JUDAS PRIEST?
Lemmy: Yeah, but we've got festivals to do in Europe first. So, I'm just looking at those at the moment. Yeah, we're going out with JUDAS PRIEST in August.
Pop-Rock Candy Mountain: Do you still enjoy playing the festival shows in Europe?
Lemmy: Yeah. It's a big event. There's not just one band.
Pop-Rock Candy Mountain: You recently taped an appearance on "Californication". Did you enjoy that?
Lemmy: Well, I've never seen the show myself (laughs). So, someone asked and I said, "Yeah." (laughs) I don't know what the fuck it is. I just said a couple of things.
Read the entire interview at Pop-Rock Candy Mountain.