Longtime WITHIN TEMPTATION Keyboardist MARTIJN SPIERENBURG Announces His Departure From Band

December 9, 2024

Longtime WITHIN TEMPTATION keyboardist Martijn Spierenburg has announced his departure from the Dutch symphonic metal band.

Earlier today (Monday, December 9),Martijn released the following statement via social media: "After 24 incredible years, I have made the bittersweet decision to part ways with WITHIN TEMPTATION.

"This journey has been nothing short of extraordinary — filled with unforgettable moments, countless gigs, and the privilege of sharing music with an amazing group of people, both band and crew. I am truly grateful for all the moments we shared, both on and especially off stage, and I will forever cherish these memories. Together with my fellow band members, I've been able to achieve everything — and even more — than I could ever have dreamed of when I started my first piano lessons back in 1984. WITHIN TEMPTATION has been more than just a band to me; it's been a family. Leaving is not a decision I have taken lightly.

"As I step away, I look forward to working on new projects that will allow me to grow both as a musician and as a person. While this chapter closes, the love and respect I have for my bandmates will remain with me always.

"To the fans, I cannot thank you enough for all the support, energy, and love you've given me over the years. You've been the heart of my journey, and I am eternally grateful.

"So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye."

The remaining members of WITHIN TEMPTATION added in a separate statement: "Dear Martijn, cheers to you! Thank you for 24 amazing years. It's been an incredible ride together playing hundreds of shows, visiting cities around the globe and making music together. We will miss you, but this is not a goodbye."

Spierenburg joined WITHIN TEMPTATION in 2001, shortly after the release of the band's second full-length studio album, "Mother Earth".

Spierenburg co-wrote songs for various WITHIN TEMPTATION albums, including "Angels", "Memories", "Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)", "Our Solemn Hour", "The Cross", "Sinéad" and "Forgiven". Spierenburg also wrote orchestral arrangements for the band, and oversaw the orchestra when the band was recording albums.

WITHIN TEMPTATION, founded in 1996, became the prominent face of symphonic metal worldwide. For their eight studio albums, they were rewarded with the Conamus Export Prize four times in a row and various other prizes such as MTV Europe and TMF Awards, two Edisons and awards from metal magazines such as Loudwire, Metal Hammer and Revolver. WITHIN TEMPTATION has been the best internationally selling band from the Netherlands for years — with over four million albums and DVDs sold.

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