LOW TWELVE Hard At Work On New Material

February 24, 2007

Bloomington, Illinois-based metallers LOW TWELVE have been hard at work recording new material for a variety of upcoming projects. The band has been recording a new CD themselves in Illinois along with the help of engineer Nathan Kurtz. This falls fresh on the heels of their Rotting Corpse Records release in February 2006, "This Side toward Enemy". A video will be shot for one of the new songs, "Defiance to the End". This song is about the 9/11 jumpers and should prove to be an intense visual assault along with a thrash induced musical score. They will be shooting it in an abandoned warehouse in Bloomington, Illinois on Saturday, March 3. They will also put one of the new songs, "Chopping Block", on an upcoming Heavycore compilation project, "Metal to Kill By", that is due out early this summer.

In other news, LOW TWELVE will release a DVD about its career called "9 Brutal Years". The DVD will feature lots of rare live footage, backstage antics, and much more.

LOW TWELVE founder and bass player/singer Pete Altieri commented on the new material, "It's the strongest we've ever done. I've never been more proud of what this band has come up with. The writing is better, the production is powerful and it's like everything in our brutal world has come into focus. We're excited to let our fans check it out."

For more information, visit www.lowtwelve.com.

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