MEGADETH AND EXODUS In Anaheim, CA: Review, Live Photos Posted Online
November 3, 2004OnTrackMagazine.com has posted several photos of MEGADETH and EXODUS performing live in Anaheim, CA on October 25. Also included is a review of the show. Check it out at this location. An excerpt from the review follows: "As for [MEGADETH's] current line-up they came across without a hitch. Bassist James MacDonough I'm familiar with from the kings of the metal underground ICED EARTH, but I've never heard anything about the rest of the band which also features Glen Drover (KING DIAMOND/EIDOLON) on guitar and his brother Shawn Drover (EIDOLON) on drums. The truth be told (no pun intended) this is quite possibly the best line-up MEGADETH have had in years. There seems to be a revitalization among the players and passion for the music that has been absent for some time. Mustaine at one point expressed his joy of being back in the game and told us all that he’d missed us and it was great to be back. In regard to his ability to still play the songs to their full potential due to his injury, no one is the wiser as he played absolutely without flaw during the entire show."