MELDRUM: LEMMY Co-Penned Track Available Online

June 9, 2004

MELDRUM, the Swedish band led by former PHANTOM BLUE guitarist Michelle Meldrum (wife of EUROPE axeman John Norum),have uploaded audio samples of several new songs, including the track "Miss Me When I'm Gone", co-written by MOTÖRHEAD's Lemmy. Check them out here. The songs available for download are as follows:

01. Insomniac
02. Purge
03. Never Ending
04. Bite The Pillow
05. Creme De La Creme
06. Desensitized
07. Down Your Throat
08. Scar
09. King Of Denial
10. Miss Me When I'm Gone

Currently unsigned, MELDRUM are continuing to write and record material to be included on the as-yet-untitled follow-up to their debut album, "Loaded Mental Cannon", due later in the year.

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