MEMPHIS MAY FIRE Shares Video For New Single 'Overdose'

January 10, 2025

MEMPHIS MAY FIRE spent much of 2024 dropping brand new singles, each of which was more incendiary than the next. At the end of the year, they announced their new album "Shapeshifter", which arrives March 28 via longtime label Rise Records.

They have now shared the video for the new song "Overdose". It features a guest appliance from BLINDSIDE vocalist Christian Lindskog. Watch it below.

"'Overdose' is about the intoxicating nature of extremes — how easy it is to get addicted to the highs of life, no matter the consequences," MEMPHIS MAY FIRE vocalist Matty Mullins explains. "It's a song for anyone who's ever pushed boundaries too far, chased the rush, and grappled with the fallout. Christian Lindskog has always been a bucket list guest vocalist for me and it's an absolute honor to have his iconic style gracing this track."

Mullins previously stated about the "Shapeshifter" album and title track: "'Shapeshifter' reflects the struggle of wrestling with identities and the need to confront the masks we wear. [The title] track, and the entire album, is about exposing those parts of ourselves we often keep hidden. It's a journey through the layers of deception, self-reflection, and the struggle to find what's genuine in a world full of pretense. We wanted 'Shapeshifter' to embody that feeling of losing and finding yourself, over and over, until you finally see what's real."

"Shapeshifter" track listing:

01. Chaotic
02. Infection
03. Overdose
04. Paralyzed
05. Hell Is Empty
06. Necessary Evil
07. The Other Side
08. Shapeshifter
09. Versus
10. Love Is War

MEMPHIS MAY FIRE has also announced a headline tour for spring 2025, with support from CASKETS, WIND WALKERS and ELIJAH. The tour kicks off April 16 in Little Rock and runs through May 17 in Atlanta. It includes appearances at several key spring festivals, such as Sonic Temple and Welcome To Rockville.

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