METALLICA Drummer Discusses 'Orion Music + More' Festival In New Interview

February 26, 2013

Revolver magazine recently conducted an interview with METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Revolver: What are your favorite memories from last year's Orion Music + More festival?

Lars: That whole experience I had in my film tent. It was just so cool to show movies to 300 METALLICA fans and do Q&As with the directors and the producers. I also enjoyed getting a chance to play "Ride The Lightning" and doing the "Black Album" thing in its entirety, which was the only time we did it in America. And just hanging and being part of the scenery for a couple days. I had fun seeing the bands, too, in the various tents, from the HOT SNAKES to the Jim Breuers of the world. Seeing AVENGED SEVENFOLD and THE SWORD and SEPULTURA and ARCTIC MONKEYS. I got a chance to introduce the ARCTIC MONKEYS, which was really cool, because I have a 14-year-old kid who worships the ground that the ARCTIC MONKEYS walk on. So I actually was a pretty cool dad for a couple minutes when I introduced them.

Revolver: What made you want to include an EDM stage this year?

Lars: When we played at the Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco in August, both Hetfield and I went over to theā€¦ OK, now I'm lying. Our kids dragged us over to the electronic tent. [laughs] And I stood on the side of the stage and watched 20-25,000 14-year-old kids go absolutely fucking apeshit to Skrillex. And the energy and the whole spectacle with the lights and the sound, it was just such a fucking vibe. And so we both stood there with our kids and were like, You know what? We've got to bring some of that to the Orion festival. And Bassnectar is awesome. He's one of these dudes within that whole world, and he's actually one of the local Northern California dudes and we hear he's a bit of metal fan. So he's headlining the whole electronic tent

Revolver: Will you be playing any of your classic albums this year?

Lars: If I was a betting man, which I'm not, I would probably not put too much money on that. I think you've got to be careful that it doesn't become something that people expect from you every year, especially when you only put records out every five years like we do. We'll run out of records to play at some point pretty quick. But I think, listen, we've played "Puppets" [in 2006], we've played "Lightning", and we've played the "Black Album." I think it's something that we'll keep doing throughout METALLICA's next decade or so, but I don't know if we're going to do it at this year's Orion festival. Obviously there's an anniversary there. People say, "Oh, it's the 30th anniversary of 'Kill 'Em All'." But we haven't made a firm decision on that. I don't want to become predictable.

Read the entire interview from Revolver magazine.

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