METALLICA In Guatemala City: Warning Shots, Pepper Gas And Power Outage

March 5, 2010

According to elPeriódico, Guatemalan police fired warning shots in the air and used pepper gas to disperse hundreds of METALLICA fans who tried to rush into the sold-out Estadio Mateo Flores (reported attendance: 27,000) in Guatemala City last night (Friday, March 5) in order to see the veteran metal act perform. The situation was eventually brought under control and the concert was reportedly a huge success despite a technical glitch that caused the power to go out during the second song of METALLICA's set, "For Whom The Bell Tolls". After a few minutes, the power came back on and METALLICA's performance resumed.

A five-minute report from on the events surrounding last night's show can be viewed below.

METALLICA's setlist was as follows:

01. Creeping Death
02. For Whom The Bell Tolls
03. (short generator fix break)
04. For Whom The Bell Tolls
05. Fuel
06. Harvester Of Sorrow
07. Fade To Black
08. That Was Just Your Life
09. The End Of The Line
10. Sad But True
11. Cyanide
12. One
13. Master Of Puppets
14. Blackened
15. Nothing Else Matters
16. Enter Sandman
- - - - - - - -
17. Last Caress
18. Battery
19. Seek and Destroy

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