MORBID ANGEL Frontman Schedules MUSIKMESSE Appearances

March 14, 2008

MORBID ANGEL frontman/GENITORTURERS bassist David "Evil D" Vincent will take part in a poster signing this Friday and Saturday (March 14-15) to promote his Demonator bass at the Dean Guitars booth (located hall 4.2 D-20) at the Musikmesse Frankfurt 2008 fair in Frankfurt, Germany. Other Dean artists expected to appear at the booth this weekend are Schmier from DESTRUCTION, Vinnie Moore from UFO and Michael Angelo Batio (HOLLAND, NITRO).

Musikmesse is a convention similar to the U.S. NAMM show, which takes place in California. It showcases musical gear companies from around the globe. Friday will be open to vendors and buyers only; however, Saturday will be open to the public.

Upon his return from Germany, David will return to the studio to work on material for the new MORBID ANGEL album, the band's first studio release since 2003. The as-yet-untitled record will mark the group's first LP to feature Vincent since 1995's "Domination".

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