MUDVAYNE Singer Talks About Touring Plans, New Video
March 7, 2003MUDVAYNE singer Chud (a.k.a. Chad Gray) recently spoke to MTV.com about how the band hooked up with LINKIN PARK, XZIBIT and BLINDSIDE for the upcoming Projekt Revolution tour, which launches April 8 in Rochester, New York.
"We're friends with [LINKIN PARK]," Chud explained of the seemingly unusual pairing. "We were on Ozzfest together. They were on the main stage and we were way over on the side stage, but they did their signings during our sets. They became fans of the band because they had to listen to us every day. We're a hard listen, but if [you] give us time maybe you'll open up to us. I think that's what happened with those guys."
After the Revolution comes to an end, MUDVAYNE will team up with LINKIN PARK, METALLICA, LIMP BIZKIT and DEFTONES for the Summer Sanitarium tour, which kicks off on July 4.
"We're opening the tour, so it's gonna look like we're playing for 10 people," Chud said. "But it will still be a great opportunity for us. I think [we got booked on the tour because] METALLICA kind of recognized us. I heard that they dig the band or like our style of music."
In other news, MUDVAYNE shot a new video for "Not Falling" with Dean Karr (TOMMY LEE, MUSHROOMHEAD) after the original attempt failed to ignite at video channels.
"We weren't very happy with the last one," Chud said the Joel Peissig-directed video for the track, released in October. "It was just dark imagery and we're sick of that. We're trying to get away from the dark, angry, monster cartoon character crap that's been following MUDVAYNE forever. We've always enjoyed visuals, but you don't have to take everything so literally. The only thing we take seriously about this band is our music. The names and the makeup don't really matter to us."
When "Not Falling" runs its course, the band will release "World So Cold", though no exact date has been scheduled. Chud describes the song as "the best track MUDVAYNE have ever written."
MUDVAYNE's sophomore effort, "The End of All Things to Come", was released last November. The follow-up album to the band's RIAA gold-certified debut "L.D. 50" was produced by David Bottrill (TOOL, PETER GABRIEL, KING CRIMSON).