NAPALM DEATH Guitarist On 'Break' Due To 'Alcohol And Personal' Problems

December 22, 2003

NAPALM DEATH bassist Shane Embury recently spoke to Germany's Voices From The Darkside about the rumors that guitarist Jesse Pintado has left the group due to personal problems. "The future with Jesse in NAPALM DEATH is really up to him to be honest, and without him here to defend himself I don't want to say too much," Shane said. "Yes, we have had problems with him due to many things, alcohol and personal — he's also been through a rough time recently. We decided that he should take a break at home with his family until he really works out what is best for him in general, not just for the band, but for the rest of his life. I miss him, to be honest, but the break is necessary I think and all being well he should be back on track with us next year, but we all plan on taking some time off next year to concentrate on other things so let's see what the future brings shall we!"

NAPAM DEATH, who recently completed a European tour as a four-piece, will issue a full-length collection of covers, entitled "Leaders Not Followers 2", in early 2004 through their own Feto label.

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