October 17, 2004

France's Nihilistic Holocaust Records are currently searching for bands to appear on a tribute album featuring only early VOIVOD material, "when this band was playing fukk-off death thrash metal mayhem!" according to a press release from the label head honcho Gabriel Skowron. "The covered songs would have to be taken from the 'War and Pain' LP or earlier demo recordings! To revive the early days of fukking death! I want only brutal, nasty, speed-as-fukk covers, total thrash or death metal! Don't ask me why there can't be covers taken from the [subsequent] VOIVOD Lps. (tracks from 'Rrroooaaarrr' can eventually be accepted). The production would have to be decent, at least 8 tracks recorded." Confimed bands so far are as follows:

MAUSOLEUM – "Condemned to the Gallows"
DECEASED - "Blower"
E-FORCE - "Nuclear War"
ORDER FROM CHAOS - "War and Pain"
NOMINON - "Live for Violence"

The tribute album will probably be released as a tape or a CDR.

Interested parties should contact Gabriel Skowron at More information is available at

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