NIKKI SIXX: 'It Wasn't My Fault' That I F$&*#@ BRUCE DICKINSON's Wife

August 23, 2007

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx recently answered several questions posed by the readers of Blender magazine (web site) for the "Dear Superstar" section in the publication's September 2007 issue. A couple of excerpts follow:

Blender: Have you always kept a diary — and do you still keep one now?

Nikki: The earliest diaries were '78, '79. I used to carry a book around and draw pictures of what the stage set would look like, ideas, band names, that kind of stuff. By the beginning of MÖTLEY CRÜE, I felt like I really had something to write down. Some of the ones from the "Shout at the Devil" era are really raw and barbaric — like, "Slept with four girls. Two were on their period. Can't remember any of their names. Me and Vince got in a fistfight. Sold-out show. 100,000 people. Nikki." And then the next one would be, "I miss my grandparents." By the time I got to about '85, my writing really started flowing. And that's pretty much how I do it now — stream of consciousness.

Blender: Your mother dated Richard Pryor. What's the thing you remember most clearly about him?

Nikki: We used to live on Sunset Boulevard, in an apartment in the Sunset Tower. I had a very young sister, and my mom would take off and do her thing — and I would watch my sister for a couple of days at a time. I have one very clear memory of playing in the parking garage with my sister and a car pulling in and my mom and Richard getting out. They were blasted. And she said, "Oh, I love you so much," and just went straight up to the apartment and left us in the garage. That's the clearest memory.

Blender: As a teenager you were a drug dealer. What did you sell and were you any good at it?

Nikki: I sold a lot of pot, acid and chocolate mescaline: We would take the mescaline and mix it with Hershey's chocolate powder; then we'd get vitamin capsules and empty them out and put the mescaline chocolate inside. Very big in Seattle in the late '70s — they'd dump the capsules out and put it on their tongue and get a faster hit. I always dipped into my profits: I never really made money.

Blender: What's the worst thing anyone's ever written about you in a song?

Nikki: Someone said that "Tattooed Millionaire" by Bruce Dickinson [IRON MAIDEN] was about me, but I don't know. It was something to do with the fact that I fucked his wife, and I think he was upset. That wasn't my fault, by the way — I want to go on the record. She was his wife, but I didn't know that. I don't think Bruce found out about it until "The Dirt" — I should have kept that a secret. DIRE STRAITS's "Money for Nothing" was about MÖTLEY CRÜE — "Money for nothing and the chicks for free … that little f.ggot got his own jet airplane." They were in a store that sells televisions, and there was a row of TVs all playing MÖTLEY CRÜE — and that's where it came from. Isn't that great?

Blender: Have you ever taken Viagra?

Nikki: I have, on the road, in the last couple of years — Viagra and Cialis. That shit rocks. We were playing somewhere, and there was this beautiful model — she came to the show and we had a great conversation and were hanging out. She was funny, witty — and we just felt something. So she says, "I'm gonna go do something, and I'll come up to the room and meet you, and we'll hang out, watch a movie." So I said, "OK." And I go to someone, "Give me one of those Cialis things that you guys are taking." So I take it … and she never showed up. That was a painful night.

Read the entire interview at

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