NIKKI SIXX Says MICK MARS Is 'Ready To Fucking Crush'

January 27, 2005

MÖTLEY CRÜE bassist Nikki Sixx recently took part in a question-and-answer session with Rolling Stone for the magazine's latest issue. Several excerpts from the interview follow:

Rolling Stone: You mention in MÖTLEY CRÜE's bio "The Dirt" that curly-haired guys can't rock. What about Robert Plant?

Nikki Sixx: "You know, I'm not the biggest fan. Why aren't QUEEN and AC/DC thought of on the level of ZEPPELIN? ZEPPELIN were derived from the blues and really didn't go much farther. AC/DC carved out an original, never-heard-before sound. And QUEEN — goddamn, man, fucking 'Queen II' will knock your dick in the dirt every time."

Rolling Stone: Do you and your wife have a song?

Nikki Sixx: "You're gonna get me in trouble — we don't really have a song. Well, I guess our song is between the sheets."

Rolling Stone: You mean the moaning? Or the ISLEY BROTHERS tune?

Nikki Sixx: "The music that's coming from between the sheets."

Rolling Stone: So you do it with the music off.

Nikki Sixx: "It goes in phases. There was a while when we were in a ROOTS phase, y'know, and MAXWELL and stuff like that. My wife can tear it up. She's the wildest one in the house, and we get into the hard stuff sometimes. Nothing like a little HATEBREED when you're getting it on!"

Rolling Stone: If you were to go to hell, what song would be playing over and over?

Nikki Sixx: "Anything by Ashlee Simpson."

Rolling Stone: What's the craziest thing you've seen, looking into an audience?

Nikki Sixx: "Dead animal parts. That's the sure sign that things are going awry. It's usually in Europe, and you look out and there's some guy waving a fucking cow leg.

Rolling Stone: Do you have scars that remind you of specific moments with the CRÜE?

Nikki Sixx: "No, but I'm pretty fucking scarred up from bashing myself onstage. My hands are fucked up. But nothing like Tommy [Lee]. He's a war zone. He puts so much into his drumming that his body is thrashed."

Rolling Stone: Given his recent hip-replacement surgery, will Mick Mars be able to make it through the tour?

Nikki Sixx: "Our show is over two hours long. First, it's a big portion of the first two records, then an intermission. Mick called me last night and said, 'I don't know about this fucking intermission shit! Once we get rockin', I don't wanna stop!' He wants to work up a twenty-minute guitar solo. There are no worries there. Mick Mars is ready to fucking crush!"

Rolling Stone: There's a great photo in "The Dirt" of a fat line of coke you formed into the shape of Texas. Did you make any other cool coke designs?

Nikki Sixx: "We used to have a dealer who followed us anywhere, with four or five ounces. We'd make these power rails: six feet long and two inches wide. People would be like, 'You're out of your fucking mind!' We'd see how much we could do."

Rolling Stone: Oh, my God! You've done your height in coke?

Nikki Sixx: "Yeah!"

Rolling Stone: How much makeup will you be bringing on tour?

Nikki Sixx: "You gotta wear makeup. You gotta look like a wreck. That's the purpose. Anyone who thinks makeup is to look pretty is a fag."

Rolling Stone: Did you keep all your old CRÜE outfits?

Nikki Sixx: "They're in a storage unit. When you open the wardrobe case, that funk will knock you to your knees. What we were sweating out of our system should have deteriorated the clothes. Maybe it preserved them, but that shit has not been washed in twenty years."

Rolling Stone: Exactly what does it smell like?

Nikki Sixx: "Have you ever smelled a dead animal?"

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