OBITUARY Recording New Three-Song EP

July 14, 2012 conducted an interview with guitarist Trevor Peres of Florida death metallers OBITUARY on June 30 at the 2012 edition of the Dokk'em Open Air festival at Spriens Raard in Dokkum, Netherlands. You can now watch the chat below.

On OBITUARY's plans to record and release new music:

Trevor: "We're actually… Before this tour, we started recording an EP. We were hoping to be finished recording before this tour, but a bunch of different personal things happened and we just didn't have time to finish it. But I've got all the guitar scratch tracks done and Donald [Tardy, drums] started doing scratch drum tracks. But when we get home from this, in one or two weeks we finish recording. It's like three new songs; it's an EP we're gonna do. We're actually gonna do a seven-inch picture disc — no CDs at all; just picture disc only. But then you [will be able to] download it from iTunes or Google Music and stuff. But then we've got another 10 songs we're gonna record after that. So, hopefully, by the end of the year — January, maybe — [there will be] a brand new full-length album."

On how the new OBITUARY music is sounding:

Trevor: "It's pure OBITUARY. In fact, we've got some of the catchiest hooks on this album. These songs are so amazing. In fact, one of the first songs [we wrote] for it I'm always humming in my head. It pisses me off because it's stuck there all the time. So it's a good thing; it's, like, really catchy, groovy OBITUARY."

On how Terry Butler (SIX FEET UNDER, DEATH, MASSACRE) is fitting in after the departure of longtime bassist Frank Watkins:

Trevor: "I've been friends with Terry Butler for, like, probably, 27 years, so it was naturally for him to come into my band. Actually, when I was a child, when I was 10, 10-ish, I moved down from Jacksonville to Tampa with my family, and one of my first friends I ever met was his sister, Amy Butler, who is actually married to Greg Gall, the drummer for SIX FEET UNDER. So we've been friends for years and years. So it was a natural transition. He's a great bass player, a cool guy… he's solid, and like family, so it was natural. We haven't recorded with him yet, but we're getting ready to. He's excited to record with us, so it's gonna be great."

On OBITUARY's current record label situation:

Trevor: "We're between labels. We were hoping to do our own record label. We have a person who we're friends with who is interested in investing. I don't think it's gonna happen soon enough for us to be able to [release the next CD on our own]. So we're actually talking with Century Media. They're very interested. Without saying it's happened, [or that] it's done, 'cause we haven't signed a contract with them, [but] they've offered us a deal and they're really interested in OBITUARY."

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