ON A PALE HORSE: Ex-SLIPKNOT Guitarist Makes New Music Available For Download

May 24, 2004

ON A PALE HORSE, the band featuring ex-SLIPKNOT guitarist Josh Brainard, have made available for download another track from their debut album, "Black Is Not The Darkest Colour". The song, entitled "Eight Directions Eight Dimensions", can be downloaded here. Additional ON A PALE HORSE cuts can be downloaded from the band's official web site.

"Black Is Not The Darkest Colour" was recorded at Juniors Motel, located in the middle of a cornfield in Nothern Iowa, between November 14 and 17, 2003 and was produced by Kirk Kaufmann and ON A PALE HORSE.


Aaron Peltz - Vocals
Josh Brainard - Backing Vocals, Guitars
Jerry Spargur - Guitars
Jeremy Easley - Bass
Nick Svoboda - Drums

(Thanks: Metabolic666.com)

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