OPETH: 'The Roundhouse Tapes' Details Revealed

August 20, 2007

OPETH will release "The Roundhouse Tapes" on October 22 via Peaceville. According to a press release, "'The Roundhouse Tapes' contains a captivating OPETH performance from the Camden Roundhouse, London, UK, on November 9th, 2006 (a gig which also featured PARADISE LOST),and sees the band in scintillating form churning out a selection of classics from their illustrious career. You know what to expect from OPETH: unrivalled composition; seamless progressive dynamics and boundless atmosphere from the mellow to the incredibly heavy, all sealed with the unmistakable vocal presence of mainman Mikael Ã…kerfeldt."

Commented Ã…kerfeldt: "The Roundhouse concert will always be a very memorable gig for us for many reasons, but most importantly it caught the band at the peak of the 'Ghost Reveries' tour. I must say we're quite tight after 18 odd months on the road supporting the record. I'm extremely pleased we got it documented and I hope it will please our beloved fans as well. As an extra bonus we've decided to collaborate with one of our past labels for this release, the legendary Peaceville Records. Here's a toast to Hammy and Lisa for helping us back in the day as well as to the new team for preserving this pleasurable memory for today's music lovers as well as for generations to come."

"The Roundhouse Tapes" tracklisting:


01. When
02. Ghost Of Perdition
03. Under The Weeping Moon
04. Bleak
05. Face Of Melinda
06. The Night And The Silent Water


01. Windowpane
02. Blackwater Park
03. Demon of the Fall

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