ORPHANED LAND Launches Studio Diary

March 12, 2009

Israel's progressive folk metal masters ORPHANED LAND are currently recording the highly anticipated follow-up to 2004's "Mabool". "ORwarriOr" will be mixed by legendary musician/producer Steven Wilson (PORCUPINE TREE, OPETH) and is tentatively due in the fall via Century Media Records.

Commented vocalist Kobi Farhi: "The album is going to be more than 70 minutes long, and, as usual, many traditional instruments and languages will be involved in the process. In my opinion, this is the best ORPHANED LAND album ever! We can't wait for you to put your hands on it and we look forward to tour and meet you all on the road!"

You can read ORPHANED LAND's regularly updated studio diary at this location.

Steven Wilson added: "Finally! I am very happy and look forward to mix ORPHANED LAND's new album. I'm sure this will be one of the greatest and most original albums in the metal scene!"

Fan-filmed video footage of ORPHANED LAND's April 12, 2008 performance at club Tochka in Moscow, Russia can be viewed below. Photos from the concert are available at The MetalList.

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